Good Life North Kensington
'This project brings together 8 citizen scientists to research what the local residents of North Kensington perceive a ‘good life’ to mean to them. Using qualitative research methods including walking ethnographies, photo-elicitation interviews, and sensory mapping, the citizen scientists will use story-telling techniques to identify and share findings about what makes a good life in North Kensington, and how this could be improved.'

My role as a visual artist and facilitator on the project involved workshopping visual storytelling ideas with the team of community researchers, to develop a series of zines bringing the collected stories to life. 
In addition to the zines,, we developed further workshops gathered ideas to develop a series of art-works representing the overall themes and hoped developed from the project. We arrived at 3 overall concepts for the projects, which I illustrated. The final was printed on large fabric panels and exhibited at UCL's Marshgate building. 
Interconnection:  This piece focuses on the role of the CSS as a glue between communities and decision-makers, allowing people to come together and have a voice.
Layers:  This piece reflects on the research revealing how much is hidden beneath the surface, and the convoluted paths the CSS had to follow to find what is available within NK.
The future:  This illustration asks ‘What are we looking for? The CSS summarised their end-goals as happiness, prosperity (widest sense), contentment, access to nature and place, making science human, and sharing voices.
Art pieces exhibited at UCL's Marshgate building (2024)

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