Our Home, Our Stories
Our Homes Our Stories is a space where you can discover how people's experiences of home has shifted during the coronavirus pandemic and how those experiences can be used to imagine a healthier, more equal understanding of home in the future.
Artist Alaa Alsaraji invites you to debate, share, write, draw and connect within the artwork, to help create an understanding of how we can build compassionate homes together.
Alsaraji weaves people's experiences during the coronavirus pandemic into the fabric of the room to build a picture how the role of homes has changed.
Drawing on the Museum of the Home's Stay Home material artist Alsaraji responds to how the instruction to 'Stay Home' has prompted people to adopt their own rituals of care within lockdowns.
The Stay Home project explores how the pandemic has changed the way we live, and how we think about the future of home life. During these extraordinary times, our homes have never been more important.
Through the installation Alsaraji also addresses the impact of the statue of Robert Geffrye on the building's exterior and encourages conversations around who we celebrate and overlook in society.
The installation is created in collaboration with design collective Resolve, who accentuate the sentiment of the piece using found materials as a product of a shared socio-economic condition.
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